#148: Rashad & Confidence - The Element of Surprise
Episode description
Jedna z przeoczonych pereł nowojorskiego boom bapu: "The Element of Surprise" duetu Rashad & Confidence z 2011 roku
Zawartość odcinka
1. Rashad & Confidence – Brand New (The Element of Surprise, 2011)
2. Rashad & Confidence – Understand (The Element of Surprise, 2011)
3. Rashad & Confidence – Pen on Display (The Element of Surprise, 2011)
4. Rashad & Confidence – Shining (The Element of Surprise, 2011)
5. Rashad & Confidence – The Break Up Song (The Element of Surprise, 2011)
6. Rashad & Confidence – Rumours of War (The Element of Surprise, 2011)